Brussels Regional Public Service - Brussels Mobility

Other 30 cities

Valencia (Spain)

Valencia used to be renowned for having the worst speeding problem in Spain. In 2015, the new council decided to take the bull by the horns.

As well as building bike lanes, creating a cycling ring road and investing in public transport, Valencia set up a Mobility Forum bringing together 80 stakeholders.

Together, they identified the principles of Valencia's future transport make-up, with one central goal: taking back public spaces for the use of residents and visitors. The 30 City (75% of Valencia’s 948 km of roads) is a way for the different modes of transport to co-exist more harmoniously.

The key symbol

Following the "La Plaça es Teua" campaign, the famous Plaça de l'Ajuntament in the city centre was completely revamped and became an internationally acclaimed symbol of the new traffic-calming policy.